Medication At School
Here’s a friendly reminder about the procedure to follow if it is essential that a student receive medication during school. Any and all medications to be given during school hours by school personnel must be accompanied by the completed medication form. There are three types of medication administration at school. The same medication form is used for all of these situations. Some situations require a physician’s signature, some do not.
Long Term Medication Administration
This covers medications to be taken by a student at a prescribed time every day during school hours for the duration of the school year. This also includes prescription medications such as asthma inhaler or epi-pens, etc. to be used as needed. This situation does require a written order from the physician as well as parent/guardian permission.
Short Term Medication Administration
This covers medications to be taken by a student at a prescribed time or on an “as needed” basis for a single period of ten days or less. This would include antibiotic therapy, or an over the counter medication for treatment of a specific ailment for that specific ten day period, etc. This situation requires written instructions and permission from parent of guardian.
Over the Counter Medication Administration for use “as needed”
This covers any over the counter medication that you wish your child to have access to during school hours for the duration of that school year. This would include Tylenol, Advil, Tums, Cough Medicines, etc